Rangiwahia Scenic Reserve

Rangiwahia Scenic Reserve

Located in the heart of Rangiwahia is the 130-ha Rangiwahia Scenic Reserve. This pocket of virgin native bush is home to numerous species of birds, including Karearea (N.Z Falcon) and Kereru. 

A well-defined yet rugged track meanders its way up and along ridges, down valleys, and through large specimen trees as the track leads to multiple viewpoints. 

Throughout the walk, information panels offer regular insights into where to spot significant trees and landmarks. 

Sturdy footwear is essential as this track is steep in places. Allow approximately 3 hours to complete the walk.

Wildlife: 1

Scenic: 1

History / Points of interest: 1

Quiet / Relaxed: 1

Visit again: 1

Smiles per Hour rating: 5



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